Friday, October 30, 2009

You and Others

Do what you do best. Let others do the rest.

Sandra Dee R.

Live for Yourself

Live for yourself.... When life faces you with challenges that seem to difficult to overcome, look within yourself for the answer and follow your heart.

Anita D., advice from a Yogi

It's YOUR Career

Don't ever apologize for where you're at in your career.

Nancy H.

Create One

You have a CHOICE not to participate in the everyday barrage of negativity in life ...
You may CHOOSE to gracefully extract yourself and move to a positive activity
OR create one yourself.

Toshibabob W.

Golden Rule

Always remember the golden rule: "He who has the gold, makes the rules".

Tim M.

Reality Check

Most things in life are not as bad as you may fear nor as good as you may hope.

Doug W.

Goal Setting for Teenagers

Great video on why goal setting can help students in school and in life.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Life Planning

Life Planning before vacation planning.
The idea is to get a sense if who you are and what you value.
Randomness has limits.

Robert M.

Shine vs. Reflect

It is better to shine than to reflect. Marty C.

Being Happy

There is no way to happiness...hapiness is the way.

Joan M., advice from Dr. Wayne Dyer on his view on being happy.

Shame vs. Shameful

If you try and fail, that is a shame.

If you don't try, that is shameful.

Stephen H.


The smart couple knows the wooing never stops.

Meredith M. , advice for people getting engaged to marry

Money Management

Do not live beyond your means.

Susan L., advice from her mother


Have confidence in your intuition.

Karen F.
"The worst that could happen is that they say NO."

....looking at things from that point of view has given me much more confidence to attempt new endeavors.

Kathryn G., advice from a mentor

Right vs. Happy

You have a choice - you could be right or you could be happy.

I chose to be happy for the past 30 + years.

Michy G.

Business' Three I's

Rule of the Three I's -- Get it

IN cash,
IN full,
IN advance

Larry M., advice for business owners

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Perfect Solutions

The solution to a problem that may be perfect in your mind may not be...sometimes the "perfect" solution is the one that everyone can agree to...

Thomas W.

Group Think

No one thinks like you do.

So have respect for other people's feelings, reasoning, and ideas.


The Gift That Keeps Giving

...., I was in a check out line and came up three dollars short....a man behind me grabbed my arm and handed me $3. He insisted, I paid and thanked him. A few weeks later I ran into the same man. I shook his hand and handed him $3.

He told me to "put it away and do the same thing for someone else someday".

Daniel B.

Working for Me

Bring solutions, not excuses. It's working for me.

Helene B.


"Do no dispair, it interferes with work!"

Barbara L., quote from Florence Nightingale in Crimea when she was not allowed in to help the wounded in the hospital. Eventually the male doctors gave in and nursing began. The rest is history.

Success and Quitting

"There is no such thing as failure; there is only success and quitting."

Barbara L., quote from Eleanor Roosevelt when she was struggling against considerable odds to establish UNICEF.


If you ask a question, you look smart!

Kathleen B.


Buy low, sell high.

Alex A.

Hard Things

Do the hardest things on the list first.

Bruce G.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Don't Overreact

Listen more, talk less. It helps you to strategize what you will say next. It also helps you to process what is being said without overreacting or "assuming".

Jane C.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Reward

"The Dream is Clear, To Believe is the Reward" -

Stacey K., advice from her father

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tried and True

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


What goes around comes around.

Lauren M.

Smart People

A key to success is to not be afraid to surround yourself with people smarter than you are.

Carl R.

What We Learn

The only regret one should have in life is that life was too short. Decisions can be right or wrong. What makes them GOOD is what we learn from them.

Rob W.



Tricia M.

The Biggest Room in the World

The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement and I spend a lot of time there.

Jim G.

Read the Directions

If at first you don't succeed, read the directions.

Jim G.

A Fine Young Man

You are a fine young man. Now is the time when you begin to become who you will be. Remember, situations never remain static. They are dynamic and change when you least expect them to. Your ability to adapt to those changes will utilmately determine your success in life.

Brian O., advice from my uncle

Mosquito Bite

If you ever thought you were too small to make a difference, you have never been bitten by a mosquito!

Jane T.


Always listen first, before choosing to make a decision, commenting or taking action.
Norma R.

Measuring Goodness

....we "measure goodness by what we create and who we include." Respect for all people is of paramount importance on the path towards success.

Norma R.

My Existence

Regardless of the experiences I've had in life, my existence on earth is important and I matter.


Do Something Else

1. Be respectful
2. Be honest
3. Be ethical
4. When you can't be all three, move on to something better!

Stephanie S.


"Only a mediocre person is always at his best." is important to never accept mediocrity. It is essential to be open to new ideas and continue to learn in order to improve your life skills and grow personally and professionally.

Lorna P., submitted the quote from Somerset Maugham

The Mirror

Always do the right thing - you will always be able to look yourself in the mirror!

Cheryl M.

Friday, October 9, 2009

New - Goal Setting resource

Goal Setting For Students

The PowerPoint presentation --Goal Setting for Students--has been a HUGH success. The fact that it was free certainly helped.

In less than months it has been downloaded 3,200 and is reaching over 252,000 students in grades 5 – 12.


The free 60 slide presentation will always be available. However, many people asked us to make shorter (20-24 slide) versions of the same material. We heard you and the results and necessary links are below:

4 Classroom Ready PowerPoint Presentations

(each designed for a 40 - 55 minute class period)

a) What is Success? and Goal Setting 101

b) Goal Setting 101 and Samples and Practice

c) Investing in Yourself and Measuring Your Progress

d) Meeting the Challenges and Top 10 Goal Setting Points

These presentations were developed by Accent On Success, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students succeed in school and in life.

Please help us spread the word…..Thank you!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Anything & Everything

She told me that I could do anything that I wanted to do. And that is what I tried to follow throughout my college, then career years.

Valerie B., advice from her mother

Teaching Others

You teach people how to treat you.

Kelly K.

Your Last Try

The only time you fail is the last time you try...

Alfred A.

Destiny by the Foot

Just put one foot in front of the other and your destiny will take you where you need to be.

Laura M.

Our Deepest Fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us . . . as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."

Sue H., quote from Nelson Mandela's 1994 Inaugural Speech


Keep the main thing the main thing

Bob H.

Not for Everyone

Innovation & creativity is not for everyone, only for the ones that aspire to become the best-of-class.

Evan S.


Find out how finances work. Ask your parents about bills, mortgates, interest on loans. Figure out how it all works. This way you can make an informed decision about what you want in life and, crucially, how you'll be able to earn enough to afford it!

Maryse O.

Pigeon or Statue

Not everyday is a sunny day. Some days you're the pigeon. Some days you're the statue.

Jimmy, advice on a sign at Jimmy John's restaurant

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Never compromise in your life be it anything.

Indrajoy B.


How you do anything is how you do everything.

Tom C.

Pay the Price

You have to be willing to pay the price.

Everyone sets goals and wants results - but how many are actually willing to pay the price for success? This was the question and advice that I was given by the leading sales exec at a top tier life insurance company.

Anjan M., advice from a sales executive

Finish College

Finish college it will pay you well over your entire life.

(I wanted to quit because I was making good money working construction)

Brock B., advice from his father


If you demand respect you'll get compliance but if you earn respect you'll get dedication and loyalty.

Cynthia Wallace-Chapple

For Your Future

Network, Network, Network!

Regina K.


Destiny is a choice. .... Learn courage, remain humble and do what's right for the greater good.

Susie J.

Pay Attention

Everything you'll pay attention to, will grow Carlos E.

The Monkey

Remember the story of the monkey and the jar of nuts.

When the monkey put his hand in the jar and pocked a few nuts he could take them out and enjoy.

But, if he got greedy and grabbed too many, his hand got stuck and to get it out he had to drop all the nuts.

Moral - get too greedy and you end up with less.

Joyce H., advice from an old boss

Strength vs.Weakeness

Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness.

Mary Beth M.


When in doubt throw it out.

Maris S.

Lose mORE

Winners always lose more than losers, because losers quit. Successful people do things that the masses are not doing, in order to have tomorrow what the masses can not have. If you get knocked down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up!

Ryan B.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


....Cherish your relationships (spouse, children, parent, friend, business partner, client etc).
Make sure you touch these people 1 day per week, 1 weekend per month, and 1 week per year. You will of course have time constraints, but the concept of frequent/short contact supplemented by periodic/deep contact works.

Erik D.

Come Alive

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

Jana P., submitted the quote from Harold Thurman Whitman

More Than What Is Expected

Underpromise; over deliver.

Ellen J., submitted a quote from Tom Peters