Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Wall

....if you are going to build a wall, then you'll need bricks and mortar. You can't do it with bricks or mortar by themselves. He ....taught me that you need be balanced. You have to be mindful of both the little things and the big things so that you can allow them to support each other.

Tim C.

The Order

Ask for the order....When you get the order, stop talking and get out when it is time to go.

Hal F.

Nobody Cares

Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. 

Hal F.

Nobody Cares

 Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. 

Ask for the order....When you get the order, stop talking and get out when it is time to go.

Hal F.


Everything rises and falls on leadership. 

Felipe M., advice quoted from John Maxwell


Have courage and don't let everything get to you.

Sam D.

Alice in Wonderland

If you don't know where you are going .....any road will get you there!

Kwai Y., advice from Alice in Wonderland

No vs. Yes

Don't accept NO from somebody who can't say YES!

Nick C.

Worm vs. Cheese

The early bird may get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Jeff H.


Make sure you're running to something, not away from something.

Anthony G,

Time for Yourself

Whatever you do, make sure you make time for yourself.

Dave P., advice from a relative on his wedding night

Smart People

As a manager, surround yourself with the smartest people you possibly can, give them some direction and a problem to solve, and then get out of the way while they solve it.

David S.


Don't suffer from analysis paralysis. 

David S.


Don't take yourself too seriously.

Tim R.


Don't burn bridges

Beth K.


Find someone to be your mentor.

Christopher K.


When in doubt throw it out. 

Iris S.

Great Habits

Successful people form great habits that failures never do!

Kevin J.

Speak Up - Shut Up

Stay with it.....Know when to speak up and know when to shut up.

Susan Y.

Get Over Yourself

The world doesn't revolve around you, so get over yourself." ......(This) keeps me from getting complacent and keeps me in touch with reality.

Shavonna R., advice from a teacher


Never delay a vacation anticipating the Cubs will play in the World Series.

Charles I.

First Impressions

"Be always ready to create a good impression on others in 30 seconds. 

There is no second chance to build a good first impression" 

Jose N.

What Follows

Always strive to be the best there is. The rest will follow.

Ellyn J.


If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.

Richard C.


EVERYTHING you give out comes back to you. 
The good AND the bad. 
KARMA always always catches up

Ann PS


.....regardless of product or service, we have to deliver VALUE; but that value must be in the context of the customer's/partner's equation of what they consider to be value, not ours." The ultimate takeaway for me is that we must continually view the landscape in which we operate from the bottom up and not top down.

Virgil S.

Moving Forward

Never stop learning, when you stop learning you stop moving forward.

Nick H.

Stay in the Lines

Be smart and stay in the lines.

John D., advice from a teacher

Promise vs. Deliver

Underpromise. Overdeliver.

Jessie N.

It's Too Hard

Never say, "it's too hard." It's not too hard - if you want it bad enough, if you're willing to work hard enough, if you're willing to wait for it and sacrifice enough, you can truly do and have anything. The issue is not with the problem in front of you - the issue is with how much you want it.

Alexandra H.


Always add value! Value added is not free consulting.

Steve K.

After You Know Everything

It's what you learn after you think you know it all, that is the most valuable information.

Lars A., advice from his father

Who You Know

 It's not what you know, but Who you know (or that knows you) that gets you in the door, after the door is opened only then is what you know the basis for staying inside.

Lars A., advise from his father

Place Your Bets

Bet your small change first" - in other words keep your risks to a minimum while you learn the game and the players. 
NEVER bet more than you can afford to lose, if you don't know how much you can afford to lose, then don't bet period. 

Lars A., advice form his father

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Slow Down

Be Calm. 

My father has been repeating the virtues of simply "being calm" for as long as I can remember, and it applies to (and is beneficial in) practically every situation.

Kelcy H.

Watch What You Do

Children (and others who might follow your lead) will do what you do, not what you say.

Neil W.

Measure Things

That which gets measured, gets done.   
It has treated me well over the years.  Tracking, charting, graphing and publishing results by member and/or by team will induce attention in a project and get results.

Sam M. from a boss


What about the word Passion as in finding the one true thing that you are passionate about, we all have that certain something that gives us drive, stops the fear, the excuses and other things that get in the way.

Teri M.

What are You Good At?

Knowledge.  Not only from honing your craft or purpose, but gaining knowledge so you know what your not good at.

Karen D.

The Small Stuff

Don't sweat the small stuff... and remember it is all small stuff.

Sean S.  (this is also the title of a book)

Check Your Ego

"Put your ego in your back pocket and let's make this happen." 

Norman P. advice from a boss


Never give up.

Sam P.

Calm Down

When I was going through a tough situation in 2002, a good friend made sure that she had my attention and then said, "First of all, you just need to calm down."  ....but the advice applies to all ages, in all situations. We're not always in control of our situation, but our odds improve greatly when we are in control of ourselves.

Doug P. from a friend

Will it Matter

A year from now, will it matter.

Kwai Y.

Treating People

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Even in the business world I have found that if you treat people with genuine concern and respect you will typically win. .. Everyone is human, everyone is flawed, everyone has a personal life behind the day job regardless of their position, be it janitor or CEO. Be human and treat people humanely, even in difficult negotiations, and you will be better off over the long haul.

Bobby R.

Hit the Ball

.....hit the ball and take off running.  Don't watch it to see if it's going to be a pop-fly, foul, caught, how far, or anything.

Just hit and run.  How far you hit it will be evident soon enough. 

Jason R. advice from his mother

Do It Well

Be it a job, big or small, do it well or not at all.

David L.

Having It All

Yes, you can have it all. Just not all at once.

Susan B.

Penny Wise

Watch the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.

Luigi B.


…. Network with EVERYONE and treat everyone with the same amount of respect.  You never know how this person may be able to assist or influence your future career.

Scott H.

Find a Mentor

Seek out and develop a mentor relationship…..This relationship will prove to be invaluable for you as you grow through the corporate ranks and when you are faced with difficult decisions.

Ask your mentor to schedule, at a minimum, to meet with you on a monthly basis.

Scott H.


Perception is reality.

Tony L. 

The Dog and the Hydrant

(1) Work on everything like it really matters
(2) Always leave your options open
(3) Don't get caught between the dog and the hydrant!

Barry Z.

A Whole New Image

A boss told me at the age of 17 to get rid of my glasses and get contacts.  He was right, it created a whole new image.  That was nearly 33 years ago.

Laura K.

Credit Card

When my father saw I got a Bank-Americard (Now VISA) he advised me to get rid of it.  He was right.

Christopher C.

Bird in the Hand

A bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush.  For me that means to use the information I know versus what I assume....

Patricia C.

Small Children

You can tell a lot about a person if you watch how they interact with small children and animals.

Jasper T.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Company Ink

Don't dip your pen in the company ink!  If you can avoid this common mistake, you'll have a long & prosperous career with your company.

Jim D

Play Nice

Play nice with others.
Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Doug M.

Maximize Your Strengths

Maximize your strengths to their highest potential.   Determine your gifts, find your purpose, then pursue it with passion relentlessly.

John R.


Do not wrestle with Pigs. Only two things can happen:
1. You will get dirty
2. The Pig will enjoy it.

John J.

Rent Free Head Space

Don't let anyone live rent free in your head - Don't worry about what other people think or say, or what you should have said to them.  t's a moment that has passed and living in the past keeps you from moving forward.

Gary G.

Job is a Job

.....remember that a job is just a job, in today's economy, downsizing happens, and while it appears dark, it will pass and let's face it people usually come out stronger on the other side.

Gary G.


Better to throw out in error than to never throw it out. 

John C.

Your Resume

I was told to keep my resume updated, in todays world you never know what will happen.  If you see a job out there apply for it.  I always have, and always will.  That is how I found my last three jobs..

Val K.

Ther Power of One

….it only takes 1 person to make the difference. And I've learned that he (the teacher) was absolutely correct.  I've seen and experience it over and over and over again. 

If you believe in something, if you want something to happen, you can become the one light in the darkness; tiny, yes, but still a light.

Maureen S. from a teacher



“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.  Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.  Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.   Calvin Coolidge

Quote provided by Peter V.

Stop Selling

Stop selling and start building relationships.....relationships make you more money.

John F.

Do Whatever Works

When I was a young mother, struggling to figure out how to best take care of my two baby boys, a friend of mine told me to "do whatever works." With that advice, she unburdened me from all the expectations others had for me, and I for myself, as well as all the other advice I was receiving. It empowered me to trust in myself, my instincts, and my abilities. 

Carol M.

Your Relationship with Your Boss

Your first responsibility is to make your boss look good.  Everything else will fall into place.


Understand the importance of problems; they are a sign of life.
Problems will always be with us, even though many think that when they 'make it' their problems will be gone. No..., they'll just be replaced with new problems. So embrace them while you can, because it means your alive and engaged in your life. The only people without problems are in the graveyard, so if you don't have any, start praying for some because you're not really living.

Sami R.

Make Money Chase You

Pursue what is "fun" for you.  Money will find you.  I still have never met one person who chased money and found it.  

Dr. Wakter W. from a teacher


...., you can never, ever, read too much. 

Dr. Walter W. from a teacher

Someone Else

Always be a first rate version of yourself instead of a second rate version of someone else! 

Anja H. from her mother

Leader vs. Follower

Be a leader, not a follower.  You can't worry about what others think or say about you.  Guys like Gates, Jobs and Trump take their ideas and lead the way. 

Mark M. advice from his father

When You Were Young

As you grow older your interests and priorities will certainly change.  
But never, ever, forget how you thought when you were young.  

Givers Gain

Give enough people what they want and you will get what you want!

It took me a while to really understand this, but when you help others get what they want, they will eventually help you get what you want.

DO without expecting a return and others will DO for you too!

Kevin B.

Smart Parents

The older you get the smarter your parents will become.

Jessica A.


Knowledge.  Not only from honing your craft or purpose, but gaining knowledge so you know what your not good at.

Karen D.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Won't Do - Will Do

A lot of people will tell what they won't do.  
Far fewer will tell you what they will do.

Pat E.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Word Substitution

As not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.  

This was a famous from John F. Kennedy, but my mother had her own take on it.  When we were in school she would substitute "school" for "country."   And, when we went to work she would substitute "employer" for "country."  It gave us a new way to think about our relationship and effort in school and at work.

Melissa E.

High School & College

Many adults are trying to relive their successes from their high school/college years.  Or, they are trying to live down some stupid things they did during that period.

Tery J.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Car Payments might as well always plan on having a car payment and a house payment... PLAN AHEAD!

Nancy M. advice form her mother

The World Was Here First

The World Owes You Nothing.... It Was Here First.

If you really want to accomplish something get out there and make it happen.  Devote the time, attention and energy to make your goals reality.  I know I've met a lot of people both personally and professionally that are still waiting for someone to give them what they want.

Alyson K.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Complete Responsibility

(from Jack Canfield's book, The Success Principles. 

As for the advice he  gives, it is simple. When you take complete and total responsiblity for yourself you have a starting point. Until then, you have nothing.   

Ryan S.

Never Work a Day

Do what you love and you will never have to work another day. Basically, find your passion and then find a way to get paid to do it.

Sabena K.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Continous Learning

This advice motivated me to become a life-long learner. Because I like the feeling of success and achievement, I am constantly pursuing opportunities and ways to improve my knowledge and life experiences.  This has led to an interesting life, and I still have a lot of life left in me. Just imagine how much I don't know! I can't wait to learn it either.  

Look Over Your Shoulder

No matter what, there will always be someone better than you at what you do.

Evelyn C. from her father


Don't ever think you are indispensable. 

Evelyn C.


Always finish what you start. Fulfill your commitment, and then make a graceful exit.

Evelyn C.

Rights vs. Duties

"Rights are always followed by duties".....You are performing your duties effectively that's the reason you have been given so much of relaxation.

Vishal M. advice from a boss

Friday, February 6, 2009


Don't be afraid of it
    Embrace it and you will become a leader!

Martin J.

Make the Most of Each Day

(She arrived in the US at 18, not knowing any English and responsible for her own survival.)  

I was ……also responsible for taking advantage of an opportunity that many kids in my native Ecuador only dream of. …responsibility comes from acknowledging your blessings everyday and not taking them granted. …. live every day as if it was the last … life but most importantly leave a legacy. …. have faith,  never give-up and remember that it's in the toughest times that we show our true character.

Lilia R.

Not a Race

Life isn't a race - there's no prize for getting to the finish line!


Own your responsibilities.

Brian J.

Consequence of Choice

Seeing as we can not escape the consequence of choice; it is best then, to be the change you want from the world. 

John L.


Arrogance diminishes wisdom.

Jason J.

Long Term Consequences

Short term actions can results in long term consequences.   

Examples: drinking and driving, trying drugs, early sexual activity, smoking cigarettes, bullying, skipping school, etc.)

John B.


The best adviced I've recieved is teamwork and not to rely on your ideas to be the only; sometimes your ego, insecurities, and self ambition blind you.

Octavia B.

One Person Cares

You will get through it.  Remember that no matter who you are, and no matter what your circumstances are, there is at least one person who cares about you.  Rely on them when you need to.

Cheryl W.


Anything worth having will not come easy. 

Cheryl W.

Every Girl

For every girl who thinks she is the only one like her- remember there are thousands of other girls feeling the same way.  (The key is to find them!) 

Cheryl W.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Marriage is work - never take it for granted.  Work at it every day. 

Patricia F.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

One Good Party for Another

My father used to tell us : "Never leave one good party in search of another."  His advice is relevant to so many things in life - marriage, employment, education.  It has reminded me to commit to my current situation, to work to make it better, and to never assume that "the grass is always greener...".  Wise words that have helped me in many situations! 

Lisa H.